My dear, patient priest has now made it to level 30 and got some nice spell and armor upgrades!
Unfortunately, the last couple of levels didn't go so well. At level 28 I signed up for some more random dungeons to get more of the extra loot rewards. The first group I found myself in was in Gnomeregan. I had a lot of quests to complete in here, so I was happy to be in for a full run. This was a fairly silent but efficient group. We had a good level 29 tank who was in protection spec! The best spec for tanking yes, but very slow for levelling with, so I assume he's planning to level mainly through dungeons like myself.
We have a couple of gnomes in the group who chat about their hairstyles and one of them asks where to find the barber. We advise him to ask a guard in one of the cities. He remarks how nice it is of us to be helpful instead of just calling him a noob.
This run went very well, right up until the last boss. He spawns lots of little bombs which rush the group and explode and unfortunately the dps and I got killed, but we killed the boss and the tank survived. The boss dropped a really nice hat which I think I won, but I got tired of waiting for someone to make their roll for it and I released and ran back in. Everyone else left the instance, but determined to get the hat I tried to take the shortcut the previous group showed me and unfortunately I got killed. I released and entered again and found that I couldn't even teleport out of the dungeon again as I was no longer in the group! I hearthed out of there, still hatless.
So two more deaths to add to my total, but no wipes (I'm not counting that as a wipe as the tank was still up and we killed the boss). It's kinda frustrating that a seemingly good group, with players who seemed to know their job, had such a bad end - no loot and no quests complete because I didn't get enough item drops. Well that means I need to come back to Gnomeregan another time..... I want that hat!
I sign for another random immediately afterwards and I get Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard for the first time. SM:GY is a little high for my level, so I'm nervous, but at least it's a very short instance. I'm surprised to see one of the players from the group I just finished - a dps warrior. We get going and a level 30 priest in the group decides to start mind controlling everything and using it to tank mobs. It causes chaos and leaves us swamped by mobs. The tanks leaves - understandably as the priest wasn't letting him do his job.
We continue with the dps warrior tanking while searching for a replacement tank. We're lucky enough to find and kill a rare boss who drops a nice mace. The paladin then gets put back into our group as a replacement tank and says "oops, I just left this group". He sticks around for a bit before making an excuse and leaving again. We kill the final boss pretty quickly and everyone goes to leave. Unfortunately, I find I can't use my teleport, possibly because the priest and warrior have found something else to kill, meaning I'm in combat and can't teleport. I decided to try and run out, but find a patrol on my way which starts chasing me. The others just stand behind me doing nothing, and I'm killed.
Well I hope those mobs ran back and killed that priest as he was a moron. He was attacking stuff before we were ready and he was rolling "need" on random loot. His second highest damage ability was his melee attack from hitting stuff with his staff. What a pratt. I meant to put him on my ignore list but I don't know if I can do that for someone who's on a different server from me. I never told him what an idiot he was. I didn't see the point.
What did I learn this time? When the teleport function isn't working I must remember to use my hearthstone!
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