Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Patient Priest: Fun with pigs and trogs

This week I have been mostly killing pigs..... and skeletons.

I've found myself in Razorfen Downs groups recently. A giant mass of brambles inhabited by the quilboar and a lich who likes to create skeletal minions. I never did this instance while levelling any of my horde characters, but I've now completed it three times! It's a tough instance; it's quite long, with things occaisionally spawning on top of you, and some nasty poisons and curses that I can't get rid of. There's also a gong which spawns giant spiders when you hit it, and you can always guarantee that when you're in the middle of killing a rampaging gang of pig-people, someone will say "what does this do?" and hit the gong before you can say "NOooooooooo!!!!". However, it gives a great load of experience for a full run, some nice loot and there's some nice herbs in there.

I also had some tough groups to deal with, but I'm pleased to say I've had no wipes or deaths in here so far. We had one druid who was ninja'ing gear, and so I voted to kick him after he stole the second item cause he was just taking it too far. We tried to explain looting to him, but he didn't respond to any questions, and said he supposedly couldn't speak English. I felt a bit bad for kicking a tank, but a paladin dps stepped up to the plate and tanked the rest of the instance, and we had no real problems despite him not having a sheild.

The fun gets better after the break...

Another time we had people dc'ing and leaving, being replaced then the replacements leaving. A druid joined when we were half way through the dungeon, ran the wrong way and died, then just teleported out of there and didn't leave the group. We couldn't kick him. He didn't respond to anything we said to him. I wonder sometimes if people like this are new to the game and just don't know what they're doing. It's hard to help people when they don't talk though..... or listen. Anyway; on this occaision we managed to 3-man the second half of the instance - we had a very well-geared warrior tanking.

Unfortunately we didn't have a great tank for the third run - a paladin who didn't know what 'Righteous Fury' was, despite me trying to explain it. It was a slow group with noone talking or paying attention to anything I said (I sometimes wonder if people just ignore their chat) but we pushed on through. This makes 5 dungeons in a row with no wipes!

I was starting to get bored of Razorfen, so I was pleased when I got something new, but rather worried at the same time to find myself in Uldaman. I quite like the underground city, but I'm not a fan of the many troggs who inhabit it. This is a higher level, and I was a little nervous about it. We luckily had a level 40 warrior tank who knew what he was doing - another excellent tank. Even so, some of the groups of mobs are very large, and it was sometimes very hard to keep him up with so many troggs attacking him. And of course no-one thinks to control any mobs anymore - just group them up and aoe them down!

The rest of the group was a bit of a failure though; not one but two druids who decided stand close to the tank and melee the mobs, despite being caster spec. I asked them to stay back (or at least not to stand near the lava totems that were killing them slowly with fire) but they paid no heed. Maybe they were trying to conserve mana? I don't know, but with a mix of agility gear, caster talents and hitting stuff with a mace, there was just too much wrong to start telling them where to go right. (But druids are hybids, don't you know! Yeah maybe they can do everything, but not all at the same time...)

They weren't bad guys though - they were pretty friendly. One of them rolled for and won a melee mace from one of the bosses, but thankfully handed it over to the warrior when told to. I told him to go catform if he wanted to be melee and he gave it a go. Not sure if it was an improvement. He also manage to 'Innervate' me when cried out for it - I was very grateful. I unfortunately let the tank go down at one point. We had some mobs run away and pull another group and I just couldn't keep up the healing for long enough. The rest of the group managed to scrabble around and kill the mobs though, thanks to a handy 'Psychic Scream' from myself, scattering the mobs, and avoinding what I was sure was going to be a wipe.

Finally, special thanks go to the mage who didn't buff anyone with Arcane Intellect, despite me asking 3 times. He cast it on himself, and I even pointed out "you know you can cast that on other people?", but got no response. Was he a new player who didn't speak English? Or was he just messing with my head? Or maybe he was too drunk / stoned to notice. Whatever the reason, I didn't feel guilty when a lovely caster chestpiece dropped and I won the roll over the mage and melee druids, despite me being too low level to use it. The others were all too low level too :)

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